As our society becomes more complex, schools must adapt their methods to prepare students for new challenges in the 21st century. This course will help you prepare for a dynamic, challenging and motivating teaching approach which get your students would be critical and conscious digital citizens. Inclusion in the digital Classroom: active and cooperative learning
Innovative methodologies refers to a broad range of teaching strategies which engage students as active participants in their learning process during class time with their instructor. Typically, these strategies involve some amount of students working together during class, but may also involve individual work and/or reflection. Active methodologies place the students at the center of this process and make them the protagonists of discovery, rather than just passive information receivers. There are different teaching strategies to create an active learning environment and to engage the students to it.
Cooperative Learning, Project Based Learning, Flipped Classroom and Blended learning are excellent examples of these active methodologies. These inclusive approaches provides teachers more opportunities to personalize the learning process of their students and can thereby increase their autonomy, motivation and self-direction.
Currently, Blended learning, the meaningful combination of learning at a distance and in school, through a careful choice of different tools and strategies, is becoming increasingly common in schools. Blended learning can therefore be an important step towards a competence-based education where the learner stands at the centre of an active learning process.
Moreover, the course provides innovative and engaging tools to integrate active methodology based on digital skills taking into account the content of the lessons and the curriculum. You will be able to use new technologies in the classroom, with special focus on the use of tablets as iPads or similar ones and discovering new apps but the achieve of all new knowledge as well. Teaching your students to use technology at the service of their own learning and to make a responsible and critical use of ICT’s, you will able to contribute they would be real digital citizens of 21st century.
The course is aimed for teachers both primary and secondary level. Participants are expected to have at least B1 level of English. During the development of the course, we will work in collaboration to do several practical activities that will be very useful to carry out to your schools.
Innovative methodologies and ICT tools in the classroom course is especially based on practical lessons and presentations of examples of good practice as well as discussions and experience comparisons. The course will have presentations, seminars and workshops to ensure full comprehension and every day assignment support. Participants will begin the course add new information about new educational and digital tools and will also have the opportunity to enjoy interactive and cooperative group class. In addition, teachers will always have time to assess the information and the student’s job and redefine the contents and ways of working in order to improve the student’s skills. The expected training activity has been structured so that the participants can transfer know-how and develop needed skills once they return to their school with their own students.
Our experienced trainers will support and stimulate the networking and cooperation among participants. In the end of the course, the company will provide the participants an attendance certificate including the detailed information about the course, e.g. title, programme and schedule. In addition, an Europass Mobility Certificate can be added on request.
The course covers all the needs to know the basic ideas of active methodologies and an effective digital classroom. In detail, the concrete goals of the course are:
To understand the advantages of ACTIVE METHODOLOGIES to get a more engaged teaching.
To learn to use a great range of new tools and resources for transforming the classroom into a ICT ENVIRONMENT LEARNING where students practice their digital skills.
To introduce into the principles of COOPERATIVE LEARNING for designing cooperative learning structures in our classrooms.
To add PROJECT BASED LEARNING in the daily practice of our classrooms offering to students activities more related with real world and increasing their motivation.
To know FLIPPED CLASSROOM methodology and learn how to introduce it in curriculums of different subjects.
To design a BLENDED LEARNING SCENARIO to be implemented in our school.
To provide teachers with resources which allow to them train their students to use technology in a more CRITICAL AND RESPONSIBLE way.
To help teachers to design and implement MOTIVATING ACTIVITIES for their students in different scenarios: online, at school and even, outdoors.
To SHARE EXPERIENCES of international collaboration and projects from different organizations in order to improve the European awareness.
The manager of the company usually welcomes participants on Sunday afternoon and gives them all the information about courses and Erasmus week. The main training activities, instruction and practices will take place from Monday to Friday. Moreover, participants will be able to explain their own school and Erasmus project to the rest of participants in the beginning of the week and, after that, work all together to set up future eTwinnings or even Job Shadowing. On another note, participants will be involved in cultural activities held by the company during afternoon time. Finally, there will be a course’ roundup and a final evaluation on Friday morning, depending on the participants' departure time, and the delivery of the certificates of attendance. Here you have below the standard indicative daily programme of the course.
- Meeting and greeting with the manager of the company, trainers and locals.
- Cultural orientation and information about the venue and the country.
- Workshop and teamWork in the Erasmus framework: connecting European cultures
- Guided visit and cultural inputs to discover the city.
- Networking activity: Presentation of your own school and your Erasmus project.
- ICT tools for a dynamic education.
- Digital classroom.
- Personal portfolio I.
- Flipped classroom.
- Edpuzzle.
- Blended learning.
- Nearpod.
- Personal portfolio II
- First steps in Cooperative Learning.
- Cooperative Learning roles and rules.
- Cooperative dynamics.
- Personal portfolio III.
- Project Based Learning first steps.
- Assessing Project Based Learning.
- How to design a Project.
- Personal portfolio IV.
- Gamification and tools for Gamification
- Gamification practice.
- Virtual Reality.
- Other resources.
- Presentation of participants’ works.
- Course evaluation.
- Releasing official course certifications.
The company offers one optional activity to increase networking among participants and deepen the local culture. Ask the company for the optional package leaflet of the venue.
Innovative methodologies and ICT tools in the Classroom course will attend sessions during 2025 and 2026 in following dates:
From Sunday 19th January to Saturday 25th.
From Sunday 23rd February to Saturday 1st March.
From Sunday 2nd March to Saturday 8th.
From Sunday 6th April to Saturday 12th.
From Sunday 13th April to Saturday 19th.
From Sunday 20th April to Saturday 26th.
From Sunday 27th April to Saturday 3rd May.
From Sunday 25th May to Saturday 31st.
From Sunday 1st June to Saturday 7th.
From Sunday 22nd June to Saturday 28th.
From Sunday 29th June to Saturday 5th July.
From Sunday 6th July to Saturday 12th.
From Sunday 13th July to Saturday 19th.
From Sunday 20th July to Saturday 26th.
From Sunday 10th August to Saturday 16th.
From Sunday 17th August to Saturday 23rd.
From Sunday 24th August to Saturday 30th.
From Sunday 5th October to Saturday 11th.
From Sunday 12th October to Saturday 18th.
From Sunday 19th October to Saturday 25th.
From Sunday 26th October to Saturday 1st November.
From Sunday 2nd November to Saturday 8th.
From Sunday 23rd November to Saturday 29th.
From Sunday 30th November to Saturday 6th December.
From Sunday 23rd February to Saturday 1st March.
From Sunday 2nd March to Saturday 8th.
From Sunday 13th April to Saturday 19th.
From Sunday 20th April to Saturday 26th.
From Sunday 27th April to Saturday 3rd May.
From Sunday 22nd June to Saturday 28th.
From Sunday 29th June to Saturday 5th July.
From Sunday 6th July to Saturday 12th.
From Sunday 13th July to Saturday 19th.
From Sunday 20th July to Saturday 26th.
From Sunday 10th August to Saturday 16th.
From Sunday 17th August to Saturday 23rd.
From Sunday 24th August to Saturday 30th.
From Sunday 5th October to Saturday 11th.
From Sunday 12th October to Saturday 18th.
From Sunday 19th October to Saturday 25th.
From Sunday 26th October to Saturday 1st November.
From Sunday 2nd November to Saturday 8th.
From Sunday 12th February to Saturday 18th.
From Sunday 19th February to Saturday 25th.
From Sunday 23rd February to Saturday 1st March.
From Sunday 13th April to Saturday 19th.
From Sunday 20th April to Saturday 26th.
From Sunday 6th July to Saturday 12th.
From Sunday 13th July to Saturday 19th.
From Sunday 20th July to Saturday 26th.
From Sunday 10th August to Saturday 16th.
From Sunday 17th August to Saturday 23rd.
From Sunday 24th August to Saturday 30th.
From Sunday 5th October to Saturday 11th.
From Sunday 12th October to Saturday 18th.
From Sunday 19th October to Saturday 25th.
From Sunday 26th October to Saturday 1st November.
From Sunday 13th April to Saturday 19th.
From Sunday 20th April to Saturday 26th.
From Sunday 6th July to Saturday 12th.
From Sunday 13th July to Saturday 19th.
From Sunday 20th July to Saturday 26th.
From Sunday 10th August to Saturday 16th.
From Sunday 17th August to Saturday 23rd.
From Sunday 24th August to Saturday 31st.
From Sunday 5th October to Saturday 11th.
From Sunday 12th October to Saturday 18th.
From Sunday 19th October to Saturday 25th.
From Sunday 26th October to Saturday 1st November.
From Sunday 13th April to Saturday 19th.
From Sunday 20th April to Saturday 26th.
From Sunday 6th July to Saturday 12th.
From Sunday 13th July to Saturday 19th.
From Sunday 20th July to Saturday 26th.
From Sunday 10th August to Saturday 16th.
From Sunday 17th August to Saturday 23rd.
From Sunday 24th August to Saturday 31st.
From Sunday 5th October to Saturday 11th.
From Sunday 12th October to Saturday 18th.
From Sunday 19th October to Saturday 25th.
From Sunday 26th October to Saturday 1st November.
From Sunday 13th April to Saturday 19th.
From Sunday 20th April to Saturday 26th.
From Sunday 6th July to Saturday 12th.
From Sunday 13th July to Saturday 19th.
From Sunday 20th July to Saturday 26th.
From Sunday 10th August to Saturday 16th.
From Sunday 17th August to Saturday 23rd.
From Sunday 24th August to Saturday 31st.
From Sunday 5th October to Saturday 11th.
From Sunday 12th October to Saturday 18th.
From Sunday 19th October to Saturday 25th.
From Sunday 26th October to Saturday 1st November.
From Sunday 10th August to Saturday 16th.
From Sunday 12th October to Saturday 18th.
From Sunday 19th October to Saturday 25th.
From Sunday 26th October to Saturday 1st November.
From Sunday 13th April to Saturday 19th.
From Sunday 20th April to Saturday 26th.
From Sunday 6th July to Saturday 12th.
From Sunday 13th July to Saturday 19th.
From Sunday 20th July to Saturday 26th.
From Sunday 10th August to Saturday 16th.
From Sunday 17th August to Saturday 23rd.
From Sunday 24th August to Saturday 31st.
From Sunday 5th October to Saturday 11th.
From Sunday 12th October to Saturday 18th.
From Sunday 19th October to Saturday 25th.
From Sunday 26th October to Saturday 1st November.
The training course is tailored to be fully funded by Erasmus + to teachers, trainers, headmasters and any other staff of education organizations so the Erasmus + grant covers all the costs of the course. The cost of the Erasmus course is 480€ for a 6-day course and includes course fees, transportation for the training activities if this is necessary, free cultural activities in the city during the week such as a guided city tour on the first day of the week. Moreover, networking activities will take place among participants and, obviously, the certification of attendance is included as well. Regarding documentation, the company offers guidance and will help with all necessary documents that the participant can need (learning agreement and/or Europass mobility). Finally, an optional cultural package is offered to deepen the relationship between all participants.