This course will focus on the beneficial usage of the new eTwinning platform embedded in the European School Education Platform (ESEP) in international school projects, with special focus on Erasmus + Projects. It will be carried out in practical lessons with internationally mixed groups, aiming to end up with a project group and a project outline.
The importance of eTwinning in international projects has been increasing intensely within the last years. The European National Agencies grant more points to your Erasmus KA1 or 2 application when you are planning to use eTwinning within the project or even better - starting from an already existing project. However, the eTwinning platform is manifold and not always self-explanatory.
This workshop is aimed at teachers and school staff from pre-school level to primary, secondary, vocational, adult and special needs education, staff of non-government organisations, government and policy makers and company staff. Non-native English trainers expecting participants to have at least B1 level of English proficiency.
The course is based on practical lessons and presentations of examples of good practice as well as discussions and experience comparisons. It will have short lectures to ensure full comprehension but most of the time we will be working actively learning-by-doing on the newly updated eTwinning platform and in our own project twinspace. Every day participants will get short and fun assignments related to their needs and goals for the course.
Throughout the week, participants will become more and more accustomed to working in eTwinning, will become more fluent in creating pages, coming up with creative and innovative project ideas and with an international group of teachers they will set up a project that can be directly put into practice upon arrival at home.
Our experienced trainers will support and stimulate the networking and cooperation among participants. We organize workshops, networking and cultural activities in order to give participants the opportunity to exchange best-practice and establish professional cooperation and links. In these activities will take part not only participants of the course but also other participants from different courses running at the same time at the same venue. The expected training activity has been structured so that the participants can transfer know-how and develop needed skills to create and manage a project with real success.
By the end of the course, participants should have a proposal ready for an international project including the usage of etwinning or will have a fixed outline on how to use eTwinning beneficially in the already existing project. At the end of the course, the company will provide the participants with an attendance certificate including the detailed information about the course, e.g. title, programme and schedule. In addition, a Europass Mobility Certificate can be added on request.
In this course you will:
- Find partners for your eTwinning and/or Erasmus+ project (also JOB SHADOWINGS)
- Learn about professional development possibilities with eTwinning and the new European School Education Platform
- Learn how to use eTwinning for documentation, collaboration and communication between project partners
- Learn how to work in the “Twinspace”, your own project-website within eTwinning
- creating new pages
- embedding content
- uploading material
- adding students, teachers
- and guests and many more features the twinspace provides
- Learn about diverse web2.0 tools and how to use them to ensure collaboration of students
- Be presented best practice examples
- Learn about ways of recognition for eTwinning projects (Quality labels, competitions)
- Start your first own project, write a project outline, set up your twinspace, have the project ready to kick-off when you get back to school.
The manager of the company usually welcomes participants on Sunday afternoon and gives them all the information about courses and Erasmus week. The main training activities, instruction and practices will take place from Monday to Friday. Moreover, participants will be able to explain their own school and Erasmus project to the rest of participants in the beginning of the week and, after that, work all together to set up future eTwinnings or even Job Shadowing. On another note, participants will be involved in cultural activities held by the company during afternoon time. Finally, there will be a course’ roundup and a final evaluation on Friday or Saturday morning, depending on the participants' departure time, and the delivery of the certificates of attendance. Here you have below the standard indicative daily programme of the course.
- Meeting and greeting with the manager of the company, trainers and locals.
- Individual orientation and information about the venue and the country.
- Round up presentation and networking between all participants.
- Guided visit and cultural inputs to discover the city.
- School presentations for NETWORKING purposes
- Presentation: „All is new - I am confused“ - the new European School Development Platform
- Workshop: exploring the new eTwinning live section on ESEP
- Presentation: What is this “Twinspace”?
- Workshop: Simulating a student project - working in our own project twinspace.
- Presentation: „Working together vs. working together“ - how to get students to really collaborate. - introduction and best practice exchange of useful tools
- Workshop: Our own project twinspace (continued with new tools)
- Presentation: „Please reward all this work!“ - Requirements for Quality Labels
- Workshop in international groups: working on our own project - drafting project ideas
- Presentation: „Where do all these people come from?“ - how to find partner schools
- Workshop: Finish drafting, start doing. - Starting your own project twinspace and filling it with content
- Presentations of the projects planned within the workshop - Feedback round. Brainstorming.
- Updating projects, choosing tools to be used for common work, setting up a time frame - prepare to start the project at home
- Presentation: „Give me more!“ - Introduction into advanced tools
- Presentation: „Can we meet?“ - from eTwinning to Erasmus+ teacher and student exchange projects: possibilities of funding.
- Course evaluation.
- Releasing official course certifications.
- Free cultural activity visiting the best Museum in the city, to increase networking between participants and deepen the local culture.
- Course evaluation.
- Releasing official course certifications.
- Participants departure.
eTwinning and Job Shadowing workshop course will attend edition during academic course 2024 and 2025 in following dates:
From Sunday 24th March to Saturday 30th. CONFIRMED!
From Sunday 14th July to Saturday 20th.
From Sunday 21st July to Saturday 27th. CONFIRMED!
From Sunday 18th August to Saturday 24th.
From Sunday 25th August to Saturday 31st.
From Sunday 13rd October to Saturday 19th.
From Sunday 20th October to Saturday 26th.
From Sunday 7th July to Saturday 13th.
From Sunday 14th July to Saturday 20th.
From Sunday 21st July to Saturday 27th.
From Sunday 18th August to Saturday 24th.
From Sunday 25th August to Saturday 31st.
From Sunday 6th October to Saturday 12th.
From Sunday 13th October to Saturday 19th.
From Sunday 20th October to Saturday 26th.
From Sunday 7th July to Saturday 13th.
From Sunday 14th July to Saturday 20th.
From Sunday 18th August to Saturday 24th.
From Sunday 6th October to Saturday 12th.
From Sunday 13th October to Saturday 19th.
From Sunday 20th October to Saturday 26th.
From Sunday 7th July to Saturday 13th.
From Sunday 14th July to Saturday 20th.
From Sunday 21st July to Saturday 27th.
From Sunday 18th August to Saturday 24th.
From Sunday 25th August to Saturday 31st.
From Sunday 6th October to Saturday 12th.
From Sunday 13th October to Saturday 19th.
From Sunday 20th October to Saturday 26th.
From Sunday 14th July to Saturday 20th.
From Sunday 21st July to Saturday 27th.
From Sunday 18th August to Saturday 24th.
From Sunday 6th October to Saturday 12th.
From Sunday 13th October to Saturday 19th.
From Sunday 20th October to Saturday 26th.
From Sunday 23rd February to Saturday 1st March.
From Sunday 13th April to Saturday 19th.
From Sunday 20th April to Saturday 26th.
From Sunday 27th April to Saturday 3rd May.
From Sunday 22nd June to Saturday 28th.
From Sunday 29th June to Saturday 5th July.
From Sunday 6th July to Saturday 12th.
From Sunday 13th July to Saturday 19th.
From Sunday 20th July to Saturday 26th.
From Sunday 10th August to Saturday 16th.
From Sunday 17th August to Saturday 23rd.
From Sunday 24th August to Saturday 30th.
From Sunday 5th October to Saturday 11th.
From Sunday 12th October to Saturday 18th.
From Sunday 19th October to Saturday 25th.
From Sunday 23rd February to Saturday 1st March.
From Sunday 20th July to Saturday 26th.
From Sunday 10th August to Saturday 16th.
From Sunday 17th August to Saturday 23rd.
From Sunday 24th August to Saturday 30th.
From Sunday 12th October to Saturday 18th.
From Sunday 19th October to Saturday 25th.
From Sunday 13th April to Saturday 19th.
From Sunday 20th April to Saturday 26th.
From Sunday 6th July to Saturday 12th.
From Sunday 13th July to Saturday 19th.
From Sunday 20th July to Saturday 26th.
From Sunday 10th August to Saturday 16th.
From Sunday 17th August to Saturday 23rd.
From Sunday 24th August to Saturday 30th.
From Sunday 5th October to Saturday 11th.
From Sunday 12th October to Saturday 18th.
From Sunday 19th October to Saturday 25th.
From Sunday 13th April to Saturday 19th.
From Sunday 20th April to Saturday 26th.
From Sunday 22nd June to Saturday 28th.
From Sunday 6th July to Saturday 12th.
From Sunday 13th July to Saturday 19th.
From Sunday 10th August to Saturday 16th.
From Sunday 17th August to Saturday 23rd.
From Sunday 5th October to Saturday 11th.
From Sunday 12th October to Saturday 18th.
From Sunday 19th October to Saturday 25th.
From Sunday 13th April to Saturday 19th.
From Sunday 6th July to Saturday 12th.
From Sunday 13th July to Saturday 19th.
From Sunday 20th July to Saturday 26th.
From Sunday 10th August to Saturday 16th.
From Sunday 17th August to Saturday 23rd.
From Sunday 5th October to Saturday 11th.
From Sunday 12th October to Saturday 18th.
From Sunday 19th October to Saturday 25th.
From Sunday 6th July to Saturday 12th.
From Sunday 13th July to Saturday 19th.
From Sunday 20th July to Saturday 26th.
From Sunday 10th August to Saturday 16th.
From Sunday 17th August to Saturday 23rd.
From Sunday 24th August to Saturday 30th.
From Sunday 5th October to Saturday 11th.
From Sunday 12th October to Saturday 18th.
From Sunday 19th October to Saturday 25th.
The cost of the seven day course is 560€ and includes course fees, free cultural activities in the city during the week and certification of attendance. Organizational costs can be charged if registration comes from an intermediate company. The company offers an Optional cultural package to deepen the relationship between all participants.
The training course is tailored to be fully funded by Erasmus + to teachers, trainers, headmasters and any other staff of education organizations. Furthermore trainers can help in Key Action 1 Application to ensure that participants can get the grant and could be eligible to receive an Erasmus + grant that covers all the costs of the course.