We are at a time in the world in which new technologies and the environment are two of the most important issues that surround us, so, we will learn to educate on these issues, since the digitization of the methodology and care of the natural environment are two of the main objectives of this course.
Although it is more related to the subject of physical education, all subjects and all levels (primary, secondary, vocational training ...) have a place in it, as we will use different digital tools, or gamification in the classroom, which can be applied in any area. Thus, we will also see the possibility of offering our contents in other scenarios, changing completely the old methodologies.
Sports orientation will be used to present the contents. And digital applications will be used for the creation of tests, which the participants will find within these orientation activities, which can be related to any subject. All this will have a direct or indirect application in your subjects, since materials will be developed that will serve to apply them in class and, of course, this learning will serve to give us ideas and create new innovative materials, using these digital tools.
We will find activities in the course, to learn to use these digital tools, and outdoor activities, including activities in nature, where we will promote the care of the natural environment.
Methodologies based on digital tools will be used all the time. We will work with specific applications to create orientation activities, and more general applications such as Canva or Krita, to develop different types of documents that can be used in multiple areas.
On the other hand, we will promote collaborative work in small working groups, encouraging interaction among participants, learning the use of the tools to subsequently put into practice what they have learned by creating simple activities and testing other groups.
In addition, we will learn methodologies based on gamification, offering the contents and activities in the form of a game, to be able to use this system with the students.
The course will be structured based on the following general objectives, which will be developed by the secondary objectives set out below:
1 To improve the digital teaching skills for a higher quality of teaching, adapting to the new didactic methodologies.
1.1 To learn and to put into practice the application of "gps orienteering", to create routes in different natural environments.
1.2 To elaborate maps for the app “gps orienteering”
1.3 To use "Krita", a free program for image editing.
1.4 To use “Genially”, a free tool to make web sites.
1.5 To see the possibilities offered by "Canva" for the creation of different types of documents (A4 documents, presentations, files for social networks...).
1.6 Create and use collaborative walls through "Padlet".
1.7 Learn how to use other digital tools.
2 To use the environment as a setting for our teachings, promoting its care and conservation.
2.1 To carry out orientation tours in the natural environment, as a vehicle for the design of activities related to the field of each teacher.
2.2 Encourage the care and conservation of the natural environment when carrying out the activities.
3 Gamify our teachings.
3.1 To design and carry out tasks using new methodologies based on digital media.
3.2 Use digital tools to design activities, based on the scope of each teacher, motivating for the students.
We work with the following digital tools:
GPS Orienteering is a sport app, for orienteering races, but we will use it also as a new method for teaching:
Download and install the app.
First steep to configurate the app.
Different types of races and how to create them.
Create maps for GPS Orienteering, the first step to star to create a track.
How can I download the maps?
Personalisation of my maps.
Upload the map to the app GPS ORIENTEERING.
Calibrate the maps to create tracks.
Krita, it´s a free program for editing images and photos:
Edit maps with Krita
Present this free program to do others works
Canva, it is a digital tool very helpful that we can use for the digitalisation of our class:
How can I be Pro if I am a teacher?
Creation of documents (templates, documents A4, presentations, include texts, photos, videos, elements…)
How can I share these documents for collaboratives works?
Create QR codes to share
Genially, another very interesting digital tool:
How can I do a presentation with Genially?
Make a digital escape with Genially
Padlet, the last digital tool, for sharing all types of documents:
Possibilities to make a collaborative wall, sharing different types of documents.
Generally speaking, managers of the course will receive participants on Sunday evening and give them a little brief as well as the documents needed for the course. During the week it will develop the course with funny lessons and motivated activities to do with students once each participant would be back to your school. Furthermore, participants will be involved in cultural activities during the week. Moreover, all participants will be able to explain their own school and KA1 project to all participants and work together to set up future eTwinnings or even Job Shadowing collaborations. As the last day of this week it will take place a certification ceremony with plenty of surprises and time to show all the hard work realized during the week.
It exists a standard indicative daily program for each of the courses based on the goals and aims written before.
Meeting and greeting.
Individual orientation and information about the venue and the city.
Reception of all course material.
Brief presentation of the course and its target by the end of the week.
School presentations.
GPS Orienteering: first steps in the App.
O-escape: Elaborate your maps, calibrate and publish.
Different types of races and how to create them.
ICT tools for education: Krita, Canva, Paddlet.
School presentations.
O-Escape through the city, about the Nordic gods.
Work with digital tools: Genially.
Steps to create a digital escape.
GPS orienteering. Test other ways to create races.
Environment and sustainability cares.
Workshop to prepare your own o-escape. Choose your race and make an o-escape with your colleagues using the digital tools, making a collaborative work.
- Preparation of O-escape.
Carrying out the activities prepared by the groups.
Presentation of personal projects.
Course evaluation.
Releasing official course certifications.
Participants departure.
* Requirements:
- Mobile phone with internet connection (we recommend a protective rain cover)
- Laptop
- Trekking boots
- Waterproof clothing
The course will attend sessions during 2023 in the following dates:
The cost of the seven day course is 560€ and includes course fees, free cultural activities in the city during the week and certification of attendance. The company offers an Optional cultural package to deepen the relationship between all participants.
The training course is tailored to be fully funded by Erasmus + to teachers, trainers, headmasters and any other staff of education organizations. Furthermore trainers can help in Key Action 1 Application to ensure that participants can get the grant and could be eligible to receive an Erasmus + grant that covers all the costs of the course.